Last Sunday while I was out walking, I made a picture of this wildflower on our property, Jack-in-the-pulpit. I always like seeing this flower because it grows different from most and it is found in moist areas of the forest. I add three other wildflowers to my blog ( under the "Wildflower" tab. The flowers added were Eastern Bluestar, Wood Betony (Lousewort), and Purple Wild Geranium. It is truly amazing at the number of species of wildflowers when you start documenting what is on your property.
This site is dedicated to supplying information that can be used by private landowners to better manage their property. This information comes from a private forest landowner and the management of family property. From time to time others will be invited to share their information on forestry topics to make your journey with your forest management more satisfying. THIS SITE IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED.
Private Forest Landowner

Loblolly Pines
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