Saturday, May 25, 2024

Spring Management

 2024 has been a busy time.  We have used prescribed fire on 153 acres, started a precommercial thin, had 41 acres released, and are working with Quail Unlimited on a quail program on our property.  We attended the kickoff for the 100th anniversery of the Alabama Forestry Commission at the Governor's Mansion.  This spring we assisted in planting white oak seedlings at Auburn University Reasearch Station for a project selecting the best trees for acorn production and quality.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Great Honor for My Wife

Back in the fall at the Alabama Natural Resource and Forestry Awards Banquet my wife Felicia received the top award one can receive from the State Tree Farm Committee.  The award is named for a great Tree Farm Person, Doug Link.  When we first got started on the State Committee Mr. Link was a great encourager and visited our property more than once. 
To receive this award was a great honor for her and me too!
She definitely was well deserving of this award.  She has spoken at the National Leadership Conference about encouraging more women to get involved in forestry through "Women's Walk in the Forest".  She always helps with "Classroom in The Forest" for fifth graders on our property.  Planting trees, cutting wood, prescribed burning and other management practices are some of her forestry experiences.
So glad I get to share live with her!


Prescribed Fire


My wife and I did a prescribed burn on 40 acres of longleaf pines.  We got a great burn and this made these ten year old trees happy!

These five year old longleaf pines to the right will be burned later this week.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Simply Southern TV

We were recently featured in a TV show promoting Treasure Forest.  Below is the link if you want to see more.

Monday, August 30, 2021

American Bald Eagle


We were our with our youngest grandson a few weeks ago exploring our property and we found the feather of a Bald Eagle.  This was such a special find, and we had to explaining to him why we had to leave it on the ground.  He had questions but understood what this bird meant to us as Americans.  We had seen an eagle near this area before but never dreamed of seeing a feather shed by the eagle.

A feather from a beautiful, majestic, free flying bird! 

This was the tree we found the feather under.  We knew the eagle had been up in this tree after he had been hunting fish near the watershed lake near by.  The eagle probably enjoyed his meal in this tree.
We left the feather under the tree.  You might ask "why"?  It is illegal to have in your possession any part of eagle.  Only Native Americans can have in their possession a feather and they are required to get a special permit from the US Government. $100,000 and a year in jail is the penalty for having an eagle feather.  

Monday, March 1, 2021

Timber/Lumber not Equal

This is an article about why timber prices are low and lumber prices are high.